Channel: FREEDOM FEENS talk radio show
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The Freedom Feens are the Johnny Appleseed of Podcasting – Freedom Feens radio


Freedom Feens, anarcho-capitalist libertarian voluntaryist general interest syndicated radio show. This is the show that would exist if the government were already out of the way.


Jim JesusDan Greene and Nick Hazelton talk about how they came to podcast, what it’s like to podcast, how you can podcast, and what it’s like to podfade.

Jim said people should check out MWD’s video on podcasting.

They also discuss how they got into doing it originally and what affordable equipment they use to do it .

The horrors of the YouTube comment section and the art of trolling not only online but in ancient Greece.

Constructive trolling Vs. negative trolling, making podcasts relevant and Jim’s expert troll guidance.

Michael Dean’s audio tip site Creamy Radio Audio

Co-hosts talked over the miles via FeenPhone!

The Freedom Feens is covered by a BipCot No-Government License This allows re-use by anyone except governments. Learn more at bipcot.org

Turn your cash into liberty!

The post The Freedom Feens are the Johnny Appleseed of Podcasting – Freedom Feens radio appeared first on FREEDOM FEENS talk radio show.

Pay your worms forward – Freedom Feens radio


Freedom Feens, anarcho-capitalist libertarian voluntaryist general interest syndicated radio show. This is the show that would exist if the government were already out of the way.

dwJames Babb, Nick Hazelton and Michael W. Dean discuss “pay it forward”, asthma, child labor during forest fires, Patty Hearst, FIJA, yaks, The Streisand Effect, Silk Road, FreeRoss and much much more! They determine that, yes: Government is an infinite fractal of wood lice under the rock of the State.

Here’s the asthma hospital scene from “Pay it Forward”

Co-hosts talked over the miles via FeenPhone!

The Freedom Feens is covered by a BipCot No-Government License This allows re-use by anyone except governments. Learn more at bipcot.org

Turn your cash into liberty!

The post Pay your worms forward – Freedom Feens radio appeared first on FREEDOM FEENS talk radio show.

AK-47b bacon rifles for every starving child – Freedom Feens radio


Freedom Feens, anarcho-capitalist libertarian voluntaryist general interest syndicated radio show. This is the show that would exist if the government were already out of the way.


James Babb and Hugo González discuss the Pope’s plan to carry the message of Jesus by stealing government money to buy bacon laptops for every child solider and a bacon rifle for every non-solider child throughout Christendom and elsewhere. (Billiam Babb pictured above with the prototype.)

Co-hosts talked over the miles via FeenPhone!

The Freedom Feens is covered by a BipCot No-Government License This allows re-use by anyone except governments. Learn more at bipcot.org

Turn your cash into liberty!

The post AK-47b bacon rifles for every starving child – Freedom Feens radio appeared first on FREEDOM FEENS talk radio show.

Don’t cry over spilt cops – Freedom Feens radio


Freedom Feens, anarcho-capitalist libertarian voluntaryist general interest syndicated radio show. This is the show that would exist if the government were already out of the way.

gun control and black bloc
Lou, Davi, Michael, and Ben

Don’t cry over spilt cops. Hashtag: ‪#‎DontCryOverSpiltCops‬ PLEASE SHARE.

Lousander Feen, Davi Barker, Ben Stone and MWD host.

Ben, Davi, and Lou start down the dark road of discussing gun control until Michael drops in. Then the show goes off the rails and they explain Blac Blok, Crizzle’s Buttons, and Anarchy Ball.

Katrina gun grab video
Notes taken from the US Foreign Policy Agenda, US Department of State publication, Small Arms and Light Weapons: US Policy and Views….

1991 George HW Bush signed the bill creating the Cooperative Threat Reduction Program, intended to be used to disarm the former Soviet Union of its weapons of mass destruction.
2001 George W Bush signed the bill extending the Cooperative Threat Reduction Program to include small arms. In the early 2000s, during the Bush administration, US, German, and Norwegian troops were used to collect 130,000 small arms from Albanian civilians . These small arms were destroyed under US military supervision.
Office of Weapons Removal and Abatement (WRA)
Conventional Weapons Destruction
“The focal point for conventional weapons destruction (CWD) including SA/LW and MANPADS at the U.S. Department of State is the Office of Weapons Removal and Abatement (PM/WRA) in the Bureau of Political-Military Affairs.”
From 2004-2007 the U.S. devoted funds to speed up the destruction of more than 400,000 small arms taken from Ukrainian citizens.
In 2003 the U.S. military command in Iraq estimated the total small arms moved to secure locations inside Iraq by coalition forces so far amounted to between 70,000 and 80,000 tons. The Army Corps of Engineers paid four contractors $287 million to gather, sort and destroy confiscated weapons at six collection sites in Iraq.
Also in June 2003, GW Bush authorized a failed attempt by coalition forces to reduce the number of weapons in the hands of average Iraqis with an amnesty program designed to encourage turning in of small arms. Despite efforts including crackdowns, confiscations and raids, the black-market trade in small arms flourished: Iraqis could buy an AK-47 for as little as $10, and then sell it in the buy-back program for $300.
July 5, 2007, the State Department Commemorated Small Arms Destruction Day with “Millionth Weapon Destruction” Events.
Under the supervision of Brig. Gen. Robert Davis, Army Corps of Engineers:
Estimated 650,000 tons of small arms collected and destroyed in Iraq from military depots, civilian confiscations, and black-market raids.

But Lou askes the critical question: Without government who would pave the road to Hell?

Co-hosts talked over the miles via FeenPhone!

The Freedom Feens is covered by a BipCot No-Government License This allows re-use by anyone except governments. Learn more at bipcot.org

Turn your cash into liberty!

The post Don’t cry over spilt cops – Freedom Feens radio appeared first on FREEDOM FEENS talk radio show.

If you’re anti-gun, you want your grandma to get beat up by thugs – Freedom Feens radio


Freedom Feens, anarcho-capitalist libertarian voluntaryist general interest syndicated radio show. This is the show that would exist if the government were already out of the way.



Lousander Feen, Chandler St. Pierre and Ben Stone host.

The video Ben and Chandler talked about called Innocence Betrayed.

More gun grabbing after Katrina, including government goons beating up an old lady.

Ben talked about Celebritarian YouTube Televangelists and Lou talked about the Whiskey Rebellion and reference this great podcast by Prof JC at the Dangerous History Podcast.

Co-hosts talked over the miles via FeenPhone!

The Freedom Feens is covered by a BipCot No-Government License This allows re-use by anyone except governments. Learn more at bipcot.org

Turn your cash into liberty!

The post If you’re anti-gun, you want your grandma to get beat up by thugs – Freedom Feens radio appeared first on FREEDOM FEENS talk radio show.

No live Freedom Feens show tonight, here’s the song “If I Were a Girl” by MWD’s band BOMB


Freedom Feens, anarcho-capitalist libertarian voluntaryist general interest syndicated radio show. This is the show that would exist if the government were already out of the way.


Derrick J is getting settled in for his new life in Frisko, so we’re playing a replay on the radio tonight. Check out the song “If I Were a Girl” by MWD’s old band Bomb. Whee!

Turn your cash into liberty!

The post No live Freedom Feens show tonight, here’s the song “If I Were a Girl” by MWD’s band BOMB appeared first on FREEDOM FEENS talk radio show.

Info on how vaping nicotine harmed me – Freedom Feens


Freedom Feens, anarcho-capitalist libertarian voluntaryist general interest syndicated radio show. This is the show that would exist if the government were already out of the way.


Ten-minute audio is me calling in to Free Talk Live. (I misspoke in that call, I smoked from age 18 to 48, not 18 to 38. I smoked for thirty years, not twenty years.)

FYI, I am not calling for regulation. I think vaping should be completely legal and unregulated. I just want to tell you my experience with it.

Info on my new doctor.

Episode with me talking about my health.

Here’s a text file I wrote out and showed my new doctor, has more info:

Michael W. Dean, detailed health / asthma / treatment info.

Sept 2015.

I’m 51 years old. Had mild asthma as a kid.

Smoked cigarettes for 30 years, averaged 2 packs a day. Quit smoking 3.5 years ago and took up vaping nicotine (“eCigs”.) Quit vaping March 20, 2015, first day of Spring.

I’m a recovering drug addict, 21 years clean and sober. Negative for all Hep, HIV, etc.

I was pretty healthy until about January 2015, suddenly had horrible asthma every day. Seemingly overnight I became what I’ve heard described as a “Hard-Luck Asthmatic”, i.e. one with nasty ongoing daily symptoms that don’t respond to normal treatment, even when I do everything my doctor tells me to do. I felt like I was drowning a lot of the time.

I started going to pulmonologist (my old doctor). She prescribed Advair, it didn’t work and she stopped it after a month.

I had allergy scratch tests with her. Also she sent me for two pulmonary function tests, a month apart (in this building). She determined I had Status Asthmaticus, i.e. acute / chronic severe asthma, plus some lung scarring from smoking. (For starters, I would love a second opinion on that. I’m not even positive that’s it, or that that’s all. I think there’s may be something wrong with me other than asthma that my old doctor missed.)

She said that the crackle sound in my lungs is the worst she’s heard in 30 years. It’s not as bad now as it was back then, but it’s still pretty bad.

For the first two months not vaping, it got worse. I was spitting up thick plugs of lung butter mucus all day every day, getting the propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin out of my lungs. Eventually she prescribed a flutter device, which helps. My primary care physician prescribed home oxygen, which I needed to be on 24/7 for a couple months, and still use several times a week when my O2 goes below 90%.

Was spitting up phlegm from my lungs constantly, is less now, but still so. It feels like I have straw or fiberglass in my lungs. I don’t, but that’s how it feels. My coughing is often barely productive: it can take a lot of (painful) coughing to have a single sputum come out, and there’s always more.

I often feel that my throat is about to close up. It feels like this even when my asthma is “managed” as well as it can be.

I can’t leave the house most days without something triggering an attack, from someone’s perfume, or pollen, or the smell of chemicals at the gardening center, etc. I essentially now only leave the house to go to doctor appointments.

We even went beyond the doctor’s recommendation and had the plants in our backyard bulldozed and replaced with gravel to cut down on pollen. Also had the house tested professionally for mold and radon. Mold was a negative. Basement had slightly above acceptable amount of radon, we paid for professional mitigation system installation, it’s brought the radon down to “acceptable” levels.

(My old doctor) prescribed a whole litany of things which, even all combined, are not keeping my asthma under control. I’m still having attacks almost every day, sometimes several times a day.

I’m currently still daily taking these medications:

  • Nebulized Budesonide and Brovana (I think this helps) 2 X daily.
  • Nebulized rescue Albuterol when needed (this helps some, for sure, but not as much as it should.)
  • Albuterol rescue inhaler if out of the house (barely helps)
  • Singulair pill (Don’t know if it helps)
  • Claritin (Don’t know if it helps)
  • Spiriva (Don’t know if it helps, my lungs also don’t like the feel of the powder, it’s an irritant, same issue I had with Advair)
  • Nose sprays: Nasacort, Nasacrom, Azelastine (Don’t know if they help)
  • Prednisone (helps a lot, but not good for me)
  • Nose wash 2 x daily with NeilMed (this helps, but may have given me a sinus infection? And/or maybe Prednisone lowered immunity and contributed to sinus infection?
  • Have EpiPen on me at all times, haven’t used it yet.
  • Probiotic pills (live)
  • Multivitamins

Just started this past week on:

  • Theophylline pills.

With all these meds and/or because of my asthma, my heart rate is very often over 100 BPM. But sometimes when I’m having an attack and coughing hard, it measures very low on my meter, like 25 or 40 BPM, then catches up to 100 after a half-minute or so.

I wonder if it’s possible that some medicine I’m taking or some combination of medicines I’m taking are contributing to my asthma at this point. I don’t know because I’ve not been off any of them since I got on them. The doctor just kept piling on more and more medications as no one medication really worked well.

I also did EVERYTHING the doctor recommended: I stopped vaping, gave away my cats (!), stopped eating any foods I’m even mildly allergic to, got a home HEPA filter air purifier unit and a HEPA filter vacuum, removed all rugs from our house, replaced cloth couches with new leather couches, covered mattress and pillows with allergy barrier bags, washed everything, and steam clean floors in house frequently, stopped using chemical cleaning agents, my wife stopped using perfume, my wife no longer vapes in the house, we switched to unscented soaps, shampoos, fabric soap, discontinued fabric softener. We read ingredients on everything, not just food but toothpaste, lip gloss, vitamins, etc. (I’m allergic to many foods, including soy, and there’s soy in many products.)

In August 2015 I was hospitalized at Wyoming Medical Center for two nights for vasovagal fainting from coughing (passed out, fell, broke my nose). They did blood tests and an ultrasound on my heart to determine it was not a cardiac event.

I’m worried every time I cough now (many many times a day) that I’m going to faint. The one time I did, I was lucky enough that my wife was home to take me to the hospital. I’m worried about what would happen if I fainted and hit my head while she wasn’t here. I won’t take a shower now when she’s not here for fear of passing out and drowning. It’s a real possibility.

The hospital also did a CT scan and found an infection in my sinuses. Prescribed antibiotics (Cefuroxime). I took all as directed until they were gone.

The previous month I’d asked (my old doctor) for a CT scan and she said I didn’t need one. I’d also asked her more than once “Do I have an infection?” and she said no. She has also never even suggested an asthma action plan.

The week after I got out of the hospital, I cracked or severely damaged a rib coughing, according to Dr. Grady Snyder. He prescribed a short course of codeine with Tylenol. He said there was no need to x-ray because there’s nothing you can do for a cracked rib other than not stress it more. The codeine is gone and I’m still in pain, I have to hold my side every time I cough to try to minimize the pain.

Since January I haven’t been able to comfortably sleep in a bed. I have to sleep sitting up in a recliner chair, at a slight angle. If I sleep lying down, after an hour or two my lungs fill with fluid and I wake up coughing uncontrollably with an asthma attack.

I need to do a sleep study, (my old doctor) scheduled one, I probably have sleep apnea, I postponed the one she had because it was for tonight, and your office recommend I postpone it until I talk to you.

Also having rough, scratchy sound to my voice, from coughing a lot and from meds. Talking a lot is a trigger too, brings on asthma. I need to deal with both things, since part of my job is doing a syndicated radio show 7 days a week. (I’ve been having my co-hosts do it without me most days since January.) I’ve also been unable to call advertisers and stations, which is how I actually monetize the show, so my income has gone to nearly nothing.

A nurse recommended breathing exercises, but they make me cough and can lead to an attack. Walking 30 feet makes it hard to breathe for a few minutes. I can no longer do any housework, I used to do most of it, and now my wife is taking up the slack. It’s burning her out.

I’d like to keep my primary care physician (Dr. Snyder at Community Health Center of Central Wyoming) but am looking for a new pulmonologist. (My old doctor) isn’t really cutting it. In addition, she’s currently out of town indefinitely on family leave.

Last week when I went to see Dr. Snyder he also prescribed Theophylline. I’m hopeful about it. Theophylline was also recommended by Dr. ________, the excellent hospitalist at Wyoming Medical Center.

I’m on Prednisone, 30 mg day, have been for 3 months. It helps, but I know I need to get off of it. But I need to get the asthma under control first. The last two times I tried to taper off Prednisone, when I got down to 5 Mg a day, my peak flow goes below 200 and I ended up in the hospital, once for a severe asthma attack, once with a broken nose from passing out coughing. I probably should also taper off more slowly than I have before, once the asthma is under control. A 300 Peak flow is a good day for me. 400 is rare and extraordinary.

The only time I’ve felt my asthma “under control” or even close to it since January was when I got out of the hospital the first time (after IV and nebulizer treatment in ER) and was on 50 mg Prednisone for a few days. I actually felt normal and felt relief, had a peak flow of 500, and it was the only time I’ve had several days of easy breathing and no attacks since January.

Looking back I can see that while it seems this illness came on suddenly in January 2015, there were inklings of it here and there as much as a year or two before. I also ran out of Primatene Mist in January, I’d stockpiled it after it went off sale, and that was my only asthma treatment most of my adult life. I used it on average twice a week. I think it was masking the effects of smoking and vaping on my asthma, and once I stopped Primatene, the underlining growing illness came to the forefront.

My quality of life is poor because of asthma. I’m hopeful something can change, my life has gone from great to horrible with this illness. And it’s draining us financially and I can no longer work, so that’s even more of a financial drain.

I really need to get healthy. This illness has completely sidelined my life, and made my wife and I captive to my health issues.

Please help!

Michael W. Dean


Turn your cash into liberty!

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The Greatest Thing Since Sliced Cops – Freedom Feens radio


Freedom Feens, anarcho-capitalist libertarian voluntaryist general interest syndicated radio show. This is the show that would exist if the government were already out of the way.

DAn buttons

Dan Greene  and Lousander Feen host.

Hashtag: #GreatestThingSinceSlicedCops

Dan Greene and Lousander Feen were joined briefly by MWD and discussed property rights in Texas, Can you shoot dogs to protect cats in Texas? Why people love their oppressors, Food shortages and Venezuela feeling the Bern.

Check out Campaign for a longer leash on Facebook

Co-hosts talked over the miles via FeenPhone!

The Freedom Feens is covered by a BipCot No-Government License This allows re-use by anyone except governments. Learn more at bipcot.org

Turn your cash into liberty!

The post The Greatest Thing Since Sliced Cops – Freedom Feens radio appeared first on FREEDOM FEENS talk radio show.

Burning rivers bring you so much more – Freedom Feens Radio


Freedom Feens, anarcho-capitalist libertarian voluntaryist general interest syndicated radio show. This is the show that would exist if the government were already out of the way.


Jim J., James B. and MWD bring you eating at Arby’s and firenados!

Footage of the moment 800,000 gallons of Jim Beam accidentally released into a Kentucky lake bursts into flames after being hit by lightning… before a tornado sucks the flaming liquid 100 feet up into the air

Police: Millis, Massachusetts, Officer Fabricated Shooting Story

Arby’s Fires Manager, Suspends Clerk After Alleged Refusal to Serve Cop

The film that premiered at Sundance Film Festival…. Grizzly Man! (and it inspired the Guns and Weed movie line “six drug police were eaten by bears”!)

Turn your cash into liberty!

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Lie Spotting and Frogs’ Rights – Freedom Feens radio


Freedom Feens, anarcho-capitalist libertarian voluntaryist general interest syndicated radio show. This is the show that would exist if the government were already out of the way.



Lousander Feen,  Diana Davison and MWD yack about Lie Spotting5 Ways America Is Already Socialist and more.

Co-hosts talked over the miles via FeenPhone!

The Freedom Feens is covered by a BipCot No-Government License This allows re-use by anyone except governments. Learn more at bipcot.org
Donate to “TRANSMITTERS FOR ________” (discussed on Feens last night): BTC: 1GfCfdG3JEfMAP1AKNhqMSBq1YovaWhepP PayPal: mwd@michaelwdean.com

Turn your cash into liberty!

The post Lie Spotting and Frogs’ Rights – Freedom Feens radio appeared first on FREEDOM FEENS talk radio show.

Randy talks about his male relative who slept with Lincoln, no homo – Freedom Feens radio


Freedom Feens, anarcho-capitalist libertarian voluntaryist general interest syndicated radio show. This is the show that would exist if the government were already out of the way.

abraham20lincoln20smallBen Stone with Randy England

As a follow-up to a conversation from months ago, Ben and Randy talk about government employees who refuse to officiate weddings while trying to keep their government job.

In the second hour, Randy and Ben talk about the cause of Lincoln’s war, the tariffs, the smugglers, and the forts built to enforce the federal taxes. As a bonus, Randy talks about his male relative who slept with Lincoln, no homo.

The book Randy and Ben talked about was “A Century of War: Lincoln, Wilson & Roosevelt” by John Denson
John Denson at LRC
John Denson at the Mises Institute

Co-hosts talked over the miles via FeenPhone!

The Freedom Feens is covered by a BipCot No-Government License This allows re-use by anyone except governments. Learn more at bipcot.org
Donate to “TRANSMITTERS FOR ________” (discussed on Feens last night): BTC: 1GfCfdG3JEfMAP1AKNhqMSBq1YovaWhepP PayPal: mwd@michaelwdean.com

Turn your cash into liberty!

The post Randy talks about his male relative who slept with Lincoln, no homo – Freedom Feens radio appeared first on FREEDOM FEENS talk radio show.

Moon landings, Stanley Kubrick, and Conspiracy Theories! Oh My! – Freedom Feens radio


Freedom Feens, anarcho-capitalist libertarian voluntaryist general interest syndicated radio show. This is the show that would exist if the government were already out of the way.

moon-landing-hoax_200pxBen Stone with Brett Veinotte

Brett and Ben talked about conspiracies, what makes them appealing, how to think about them, and how to investigate them.

There is discussion of the legendary Dawn of Freedom show, from PorcFest 2015 when the Feens performed Richard Wagner’s Der Ring des Nibelungen live, nude, and in its entirety.
Then Ben and Brett talk about the School Sucks Project, the Prussian School System, how to destroy a generation through brainwashing and debt, and how to escape such a system.

Co-hosts talked over the miles via FeenPhone!

The Freedom Feens is covered by a BipCot No-Government License This allows re-use by anyone except governments. Learn more at bipcot.org
Donate to “TRANSMITTERS FOR ________” (discussed on Feens last night): BTC: 1GfCfdG3JEfMAP1AKNhqMSBq1YovaWhepP PayPal: mwd@michaelwdean.com

Turn your cash into liberty!

The post Moon landings, Stanley Kubrick, and Conspiracy Theories! Oh My! – Freedom Feens radio appeared first on FREEDOM FEENS talk radio show.

Peeing in Train Tunnels – The Punishment Due – Freedom Feens Radio


Freedom Feens, anarcho-capitalist libertarian voluntaryist general interest syndicated radio show. This is the show that would exist if the government were already out of the way.


MWD, Derrickj, and Brett Veinotte talk over the miles over Feenphone. Things to ask your landlord, things to ask your date. If your cult has apts for rent contact Derrickj today!

Apartment hunting in San Francisco

The band Phish!


The Freedom Feens is covered by a BipCot No-Government License This allows re-use by anyone except governments. Learn more at bipcot.org

Turn your cash into liberty!

The post Peeing in Train Tunnels – The Punishment Due – Freedom Feens Radio appeared first on FREEDOM FEENS talk radio show.

Consensual, But Unspeakable Things with Trumpelstiltskin – Freedom Feens radio


Freedom Feens, anarcho-capitalist libertarian voluntaryist general interest syndicated radio show. This is the show that would exist if the government were already out of the way.


Caity Greene, Dan Greene  and Jim Jesus talk about Quiznos mocking techies at Burning Man, The Matrix: whether it makes sense or not and what we can take from it. How the Cable Guy was ahead of it’s time and the horrors of Tumblr.
Donald Trump, Bane and Agent Smith all talk through Jim Jesus as the gang discuss Trump’s presidential chances, the lady who was put in a mental hospital for driving her own car and the genius of Ali G among other things.

TruBane video Jim mentioned https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=798DajDZqj0


Co-hosts talked over the miles via FeenPhone!

The Freedom Feens is covered by a BipCot No-Government License This allows re-use by anyone except governments. Learn more at bipcot.org

Turn your cash into liberty!

The post Consensual, But Unspeakable Things with Trumpelstiltskin – Freedom Feens radio appeared first on FREEDOM FEENS talk radio show.

Worldwide War on Cops – Freedom Feens radio


Freedom Feens, anarcho-capitalist libertarian voluntaryist general interest syndicated radio show. This is the show that would exist if the government were already out of the way.


James Babb, MK Lords, Randy England.

Starbucks Barista Refusing Bathroom to Cop Shows Corporations Don’t Let Employees Think for Themselves
http://www.phillymag.com/business/2015/09/14/starbucks-police/Have You Seen Blue Strip On Curb? Here’s The INCREDIBLE Reason Behind It
http://madworldnews.com/blue-strip-curb-reason/The Deadliest Jobs in America




Bills to regulate medical marijuana head to Gov. Jerry Brown
“The framework seeks to manage medical marijuana from seed to smoke, calling for 17 separate license categories, detailed labeling requirements and a product-tracking system complete with bar codes and shipping manifests.”

N. Texas man turns ‘dumbest idea ever’ into big business

“Alex Craig is sending potatoes through the mail. The app developer by day came up with a business idea to send anonymous custom messages to whoever you want on a potato.”


The Freedom Feens is covered by a BipCot No-Government License This allows re-use by anyone except governments. Learn more at bipcot.org

Turn your cash into liberty!

The post Worldwide War on Cops – Freedom Feens radio appeared first on FREEDOM FEENS talk radio show.

Don’t nudge me bro – Freedom Feens radio


Freedom Feens, anarcho-capitalist libertarian voluntaryist general interest syndicated radio show. This is the show that would exist if the government were already out of the way.












Davi Barker, Diana Davison, Michael W. Dean.


Anarchy on the bike path (amusingly, their problem is that the gov’t is in their way)

List of Irgun attacks


The Freedom Feens is covered by a BipCot No-Government License This allows re-use by anyone except governments. Learn more at bipcot.org

Turn your cash into liberty!

The post Don’t nudge me bro – Freedom Feens radio appeared first on FREEDOM FEENS talk radio show.

Proof that nationalism and patriotism exist to enslave you – Freedom Feens radio


Freedom Feens, anarcho-capitalist libertarian voluntaryist general interest syndicated radio show. This is the show that would exist if the government were already out of the way.

Fun with flags

Michael W. Dean, Davi Barker, Dianna Keiler and James Babb.

fun with flags, audio version, fundamentalism = dementia is fun .

New technology created to improve a genre: Sousaphone vs. FeenPhone
cats vs. zombies


The Freedom Feens is covered by a BipCot No-Government License This allows re-use by anyone except governments. Learn more at bipcot.org

Turn your cash into liberty!

The post Proof that nationalism and patriotism exist to enslave you – Freedom Feens radio appeared first on FREEDOM FEENS talk radio show.

Ask me about my worms – Freedom Feens radio


Freedom Feens, anarcho-capitalist libertarian voluntaryist general interest syndicated radio show. This is the show that would exist if the government were already out of the way.

dick eat boom









Michael W. Dean, Neema Vedadi, Lou Feen.

It’s got MWD and Neema. Like the old days. With Lou calling in. What more do you need????


The Freedom Feens is covered by a BipCot No-Government License This allows re-use by anyone except governments. Learn more at bipcot.org

Turn your cash into liberty!

The post Ask me about my worms – Freedom Feens radio appeared first on FREEDOM FEENS talk radio show.

Leave it better than you found it – Freedom Feens radio


Freedom Feens, anarcho-capitalist libertarian voluntaryist general interest syndicated radio show. This is the show that would exist if the government were already out of the way.

BipCot buttons

Derrick J, Davi Barker and Michael W. Dean.

Derrick J tells us about the cult he had to join to get a place to live in San Fran.

MWD discusses how to properly discipline your Derrick J. Davi discusses drawing Mohammad. MWD discusses KGAY radio. Steve discusses Ripple. Derrick J discusses cults. MWD discussed cats and Palestine Park.

Telegram encrypted instant messenger


The Freedom Feens is covered by a BipCot No-Government License This allows re-use b

Turn your cash into liberty!

The post Leave it better than you found it – Freedom Feens radio appeared first on FREEDOM FEENS talk radio show.

Show me on the doll where the pope touched you – Freedom Feens radio


Freedom Feens, anarcho-capitalist libertarian voluntaryist general interest syndicated radio show. This is the show that would exist if the government were already out of the way.


Dan GreeneJim Jesus and Michael W. Dean talk about Michael Deans new kitties, building radio transmitters, Charlie Brooker and #piggate. The Pope thanks Castro, Liberation Theology, Cop threatens to arrest people passing out constitutions. The Cringe worthy Bronies, and Jim being a “sodie”


 The Freedom Feens is covered by a BipCot No-Government License This allows re-use b

Turn your cash into liberty!

The post Show me on the doll where the pope touched you – Freedom Feens radio appeared first on FREEDOM FEENS talk radio show.

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