Freedom Feens, anarcho-capitalist libertarian voluntaryist general interest syndicated radio show. This is the show that would exist if the government were already out of the way.
Today on radio we’re running a classic Ben Stone Bad Quaker podcast, edited for radio play. Not releasing them as podcasts, they’re already podcasts. And you should share them as torrents to keep them drone proof. But they deserve to get a spin on radio, if nothing else, so they’ll be broadcast into space so the aliens near Alpha-Centauri can hear them.
Sunday night will a radio replay of today’s Classic Bad Quaker show. Then Monday Night/ Tue morning we’ll be back to live Feens. And today on the podcast is a classic Feens from 2012;
Michael W. Dean and Neema Vedadi talk live with callers about the dream where George Soros is in front of your house standing on a UN tank yelling at you in Esperanto while flanked by a bunch of blue-headed dragoons. They discuss MP3s, WAVs, encoding rates and celebrate a year of the Feens by SPRING GUN CLEANING: blowing the cat hair out of their pistols and zeroing their rifles, then talking about the Trayvon Martin case and Castle Doctrine, Los Angeles trying to outlaw Free Speech, how the government can’t even pay drug addicts to take drugs, Sarkozy: “Jail those who browse terror websites”, fed-goon reality TV shows and other things on the State-o-vision statistscope TV box.
They tell you how to sight an AK-47 with this tool.
Contains all the wonderful behind-the-Feens chatter during commercial breaks, as usual with the live shows.
^ Michael W. Dean doing Freedom Feens Live with luxurious microphone and gold pop filter
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