Freedom Feens, anarcho-capitalist libertarian voluntaryist general interest syndicated radio show. This is the show that would exist if the government were already out of the way.
Michael W. Dean, Randy England and Dan Greene host. First half hour is just good fun. The rest of the show is a very solid intro to liberty.
Michael explains why he prefers Michael, not Mike, “Friend” being a loosely used term these days. What it means to be a Libertarian and why you should be one, the Non-Aggression principal and the ethics and philosophy behind it, Dan and Randy discuss the “Cabin in the woods” scenario and how the Non-Aggression principal would apply. Also, is it possible to attain true liberty without initiating or suffering aggression?
Check out “Hubert Selby Jr: It/ll be better tomorrow” A Michael W. Dean / Kenneth Shiffrin Production.
We start on a station in New York City tonight! Woot!
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