Freedom Feens, anarcho-capitalist libertarian voluntaryist general interest syndicated radio show. This is the show that would exist if the government were already out of the way.
Derrick J. gets partway to California and stops briefly to consider his new life as a BipCot-licensed shell human, Michael W. Dean explains why Pablo Escobar was the greatest libertarian ever (lol), and Davi Barker tells us about his recent hit and run adventures, and how it relates to BipCot blue-letter law.
Co-hosts talked over the miles via FeenPhone!
NEW BIGGER BUTTON DESIGNS! Freedom Feens Buttons on sale – 10 buttons post paid for ten dollars. And they’re now new designs AND bigger buttons!!
The Freedom Feens is covered by a BipCot No-Government License This allows re-use by anyone except governments. Learn more at
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