Freedom Feens, anarcho-capitalist libertarian voluntaryist general interest syndicated radio show. This is the show that would exist if the government were already out of the way.
Ben, Hugo, and Dianna K
Hugo González, Dianna Keiler and Ben Stone.
Immigration: A Contrived Crisis
immigration is not at a record high in America
(last peak-1920, 2015 is below 2000, currently 15 year low)
Immigration seems bad because you have been told it’s bad. Fear of immigrants is a tool of the two party system, to keep you panicked and voting. Ben says that Hoppe’s “forced integration” means a brown skinned person has entered his field of view.
Link to the Cato Institute study
5 Charts that Show Trump’s Immigration Paper Is Nonsense from The Foundation for Economic Education
Lawrence Reed
Assume the Right Wingnuts are correct, that immigrants must be stopped! That means every citizen must carry papers and be able to produce proof of citizenship on demand. Searches and street stops will become common. House to house searches must commence, business should expect audits and searches, and you can forget about rights.
Hoppe debunked
Co-hosts talked over the miles via FeenPhone!
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