Freedom Feens, anarcho-capitalist libertarian voluntaryist general interest syndicated radio show. This is the show that would exist if the government were already out of the way.
No live show tonight, so it’s a CLASSIC FEENS FROM 2012!
Michael W. Dean and Neema Vedadi talk about how EVERYTHING would work better in the absence of government regulatory bodies, including antibiotics. Ron Paul basically getting called a fag (a la Idiocracy) in South Carolina, farmers dumping milk down the drain for the government, Ademo’s troubles with the man, Solar flares, Obama’s 8th grade-level followers, dad spam, Reno 911, Cedric Yarbrough, Tom on “Boondocks”, SOPA and Newscorp, Google and Facebook pull a Netflix, Iran refuses to return U.S. drone, offers cool toy version instead, self-defense dreams, China on SOPA, Wyoming wants to keep high school drop outs from being able to get a driver’s license, antibiotics in LibPar, Go Ask Alice, unintended consequences, drug dog busts Snoop Dogg’s bus, Tel Aviv lab creates fake DNA evidence, Marijuana DNA database to track origin of pot, and why is all the new useful science lately perverted for the purpose of throwing people into a cage?
Homework: watch the movies Gran Torino (you can watch free, with commercials, on Hulu, here) and Source Code.
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