Freedom Feens, anarcho-capitalist libertarian voluntaryist general interest syndicated radio show. This is the show that would exist if the government were already out of the way.
MK Lords and James Babb discuss Man Sharing Jury Nullification Information Arrested in Denver, Feenigans Wake, consolation boats, boat loan forgiveness and more.
MWD pops in for the first segment to test this mic: Samson Q2U Handheld Dynamic USB Microphone with Headphones and Accessories.
Co-hosts talked over the miles via FeenPhone!
NEW BIGGER BUTTON DESIGNS! Freedom Feens Buttons on sale – 10 buttons post paid for ten dollars. And they’re now new designs AND bigger buttons!!
The Freedom Feens is covered by a BipCot No-Government License This allows re-use by anyone except governments. Learn more at
The post Is disseminating information about liberty still legal? – Freedom Feens appeared first on FREEDOM FEENS talk radio show.