Freedom Feens, anarcho-capitalist libertarian voluntaryist general interest syndicated radio show. This is the show that would exist if the government were already out of the way.
No live show tonight. Here’s a classic Feens from July 2011: Michael W. Dean and Neema Vedadi talk about how medical pot cured the Nazi-pin up twins Prussian Blue of Nazism, the book “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance“, the path of telecom liberty in Ghana, Transcribing and translating movie for subtitles in Czech, i.p. (intellectual property law), how it affects Michael and Neema, and how it would work in a libertarian paradise, how hacking is the new Pac Man, Angry crows dive-bomb officers in Everett, Wash, the best social network for liberty if Facebook went down, Free vs. “free”, the origin of the slang phrases “Word” and “Word to your mother”, and how 3% of the population determines the outcome of every election. Then we hear a short interview with Kofi, of African Youth Peace Call, a libertarian activism org in Ghana, Africa.
Subscribe to the new podcast from Africa Youth Peace Call!
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