Freedom Feens, anarcho-capitalist libertarian voluntaryist general interest syndicated radio show. This is the show that would exist if the government were already out of the way.
Jim Jesus, Angela Keaton and Dan Greene host tonight, Angela and Dan talk about why they’ve left the world of Facebook, Anonymous’ war on ISIS, they talk about Rush and classic rock music, Michael W. Dean makes a surprise appearance and hilarity ensues! The Feens read about MWD’s colonoscopy results and the battle in his
innermost chamber, they also discuss some bizarre conspiracy theories, and wrap up the show with talk about telegrams and the App Telegram. Worms!
The case for getting rid of boarders completely
Jim’s Jeffery Tucker impression
Libertarians: if you want to look old and smart, don’t wear a bow
tie, get one of these and keep it with you always, like I do.
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