Freedom Feens, anarcho-capitalist libertarian voluntaryist general interest syndicated radio show. This is the show that would exist if the government were already out of the way.
Lousander Feen, Randy England, James Babb and Michael W. Dean discuss Jury Nullification, James Babb’s latest FIJA encounter, The Super Scary Halloween Revolt, and the new conspiracy theory: Gov-hating radio host gets life-threatening illness the very MONTH Obamacare becomes law. Radio host gets insurance,
Read these horrifying comments (near bottom, comments section) from old conservative state-lickers in response to a probably made-up (by the State) threat on cops.…/fbi-issues-ominous-halloween-w…/ These are the people most likely to serve on juries, by the way.
Lou on the BipCot-covered Seeds of Liberty podcast: Audio. Video.
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