Freedom Feens, anarcho-capitalist libertarian voluntaryist general interest syndicated radio show. This is the show that would exist if the government were already out of the way.
Davi Barker, MK Lords, Lousander Feen, Randy England, Ben Stone, Dianna Keiler, Chandler St. Pierre, Michael W. Dean, and the day-butt of Angela Keaton (Feen Bone)! WooT!
Davi thinks Indominus rex is Coitus Interruptus Rex. And now EVERYTHING is licensed BipCot! And is common sense so rare in humans as to be a super power?
This episode has a bunch of technical difficulties (YOU try doing a show with 8 hosts in four locations from somewhere with bad Internet!), it’s not one of the best Feens ever. But it has its fun moments…..
The post Freedom Feens live from #Porcfest XII, night 4 – Feen Bone! appeared first on FREEDOM FEENS talk radio show.